"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars." -Henry Van Dyke

Sunday, April 27, 2008

In Search of a Train of Thought

It has been a long time since I have written anything on this blog, and now it is high time to do so. Part of the blame for this grand pause from blogging can be given to the fact that my brain just can't seem to organize any specific thoughts in a coherent matter. Even now, as I am writing, it is difficult for me to focus on a topic that I may or may not care about. It's very frustrating really, but hopefully once classes and finals are finished I will be able to push around some things in my head to make room for a train of thought.

So for the past three days the major project that has taken up homework time is the Major World Religions paper which is due tomorrow. Yippee! I've got nine pages done and now just need to fill in the cracks that I have left and write an introduction/thesis and conclusion. Let's hope that it takes me at least three pages to do this.

I absolutely love to walk barefooted on lucious, green grass. It is perhaps one of the best feeling in the world. Taking walks in general is a favorite pastime of mine. There's just so much in God's creation that we are meant to enjoy, so why don't I do this more often...? search me... Actually, that was part of reason why I found the poem in the previous blog. Observing people walking [and by walking, I mean basically jogging] to and fro from East Campus/Covenant/Southview makes me wonder why exactly they are walking so fast. Sure, some of them may be running late or whatever, but some people regularly walk fast from place to place, and it makes me wonder if they are seeing the world around them and taking the time to enjoy it, or are they just really focused on getting to wherever they are going. It's really none of my business, but it makes me not want to be like that.

So yeah, this won't show on the time that I posted, but I took a two hour break from writing on this blog and currently don't have anything else to say. Peace out!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"Be Mindful of the Moment"

The here and now is all we hold through times of joy and sorrow.
We may watch fulsome years unfold -- or may not see tomorrow.
Be mindful of the moment. Pay attention to each one.
The past has fled beyond our grasp, the future’s yet to come.

There is no way to measure what ensuing days might bring,
So seize the utmost pleasure found in every daily thing.
The road of life is far too short: no need to travel fast.
Investigate the wonders that lie strewn along the path.

The tender leaves on springtime trees, rough pebbles on the ground,
The snowflakes drifting on the breeze that fall without a sound,
Are all unique and precious, if we take the time to see.
No two have been identical in all eternity.

Is this not true of people too? Be mindful, then, of each.
Both strangers and those close to you have useful things to teach.
The two of us part richer if we pass the time of day,
And don’t just brush each other off, then hurry on our way.

Preoccupied by urgent schemes of business, love or power,
By gambling on our future dreams, we lose the present hour.
A life is forged of moments linked together like a chain.
Live each in full -- for down this road we shall not pass again.

-Neil Harding McAlister

I hope you actually take the time to read this poem, because I think it says it all. A lot of what I have been feeling and thinking about as of late. Especially walking from class to class, talking with one person or another, and just sitting in a chair.

Monday, April 14, 2008


The previous post was not meant to be depressing. And yes, I do realize that people are going to be busy all summer doing things and what-not... :) YUP!

Just a thought...

The busyness of this time of year seems to get to everyone. Despite the crunch that the last few weeks puts on people, there's a serious lack of motivation from everyone that I talk to... or at least some level of unmotivation. It also seems to be putting the strain on relationships and such... everything is winding down and needs to get done (especially after months of procrastination) that the things that matter outside of schoolwork tend to take the back-burner. There's no time to listen to one another, there's no time to connect, there's no time to stay in touch, there's simply no time. It's hard to see this happening, especially right before everyone leaves for the summer. I think the hardest thing for me will be separated for three and a half months without seeing the people that I love, and then coming back to hear all of the fun stories of the times that they had together. I'm really not looking forward to it. Maybe I'm just being dramatic, because I love being home, but I want people to be able to see my home also. It's just so far away... Anyway... enough of this, time to do more school work.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Lately I have been feeling rather withdrawn from people, especially on the weekends. Basically I would rather just sit and enjoy company with one or two people rather than be in a large group of people. Today, I would rather just be by myself for the entire day. Also, I've decided that I would like to be home right now. It's been a while since I have felt this way, but I really miss it and the people there. It may also be difficult for me right now because I want the people here to know the people I know, or at the very least to meet them. Even though the only family I have there is my mom and brothers, I have a huge church family that I would really like to see. It's also hard because I am missing two of my best friends from back home.

Anyway... about one more month to go...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

...for all the things that have been needing to get done...

Hands down, one of the best smells in the world is the smell of fresh laundry drying with the window open on a Spring day. Oh yeah... Finally, after putting it off and putting it off, I did my rather large pile of laundry. I HAVE CLEAN CLOTHES AGAIN!!! Though, there is still 2 loads in the dryer down stairs and all the rest is currently drying, but by tomorrow, I should have options again. [I like my options, especially when it comes to clothing]

So far today, no homework has been attempted... now before you get on my case about it, I have been up since 9 am, which is an accomplishment since I don't have any classes today. Not that any of you would be interested in this, but the following is a list of how my day has gone so far:

-shower and get ready [Covenant]
-medical terminology test (which I passed) [Science Building]
-breakfast [the Grille]
-health services [Covenant]
-leave to drop off time card while they got my paperwork together [Southview]
-health services made sure I was healthy enough to travel [Covenant]
-turn in organic chemistry assignment [Science Building]
-lunch [Commons]
-visit with Piper for 30 min. [East Hall]
-write a check and borrow Renae's bike [Covenant]
-cash check [Business Office]
-fill bike tires [Maintenance]
-do laundry and clean pile of dishes [Covenant]

...and now I am doing this. YAY!!! So it has been quite a productive day despite the lack of homework-getting-done... but the day is still young, so more is to be accomplished... Granted, I could have consolidated some of my walking by planning ahead, but I really don't mind the walk/ride.

Now, I am going to check on my laundry downstairs and hopefully after putting it away get started on some homework... :) Good thing nothing is due tomorrow. :D