Now I am home and have been for about a week and a half. The Monday after I got home, I started to work once again at Pazzles. No break for me this time, I've got to make some money. It sucks to have that kind of pressure. Working at Pazzles isn't as awful as I imagined it would be. Despite the fact that I don't particularly enjoy production, the people there are what make it worth while.
Pete is our repair tech that immigrated over from Hungary during his early teen years. He's quite funny and has some interesting tattoos. He pretty much helps brighten up my day whenever he's around.
Lisa is our... I don't quite know... but she does a lot. She too is an emigrant and is from England. She is my primary source for figuring out what I should do or make, but I believe there will be a new person coming in this week that will start doing that. She too is quite hilarious and doesn't take herself too seriously, which at this job, you shouldn't.
Tatum is a sweetheart and quite opinionated. She's quite an interesting person to be with and has a good sense of humor. I believe she takes technical support calls and does other random things like print stuff for me or whoever.
Amanda, who used to babysit me, is just funny and amazing and gets herself into situations where people tend to make fun of her. She does it all by herself too. She gets the job of working with the design team and basically decides what supplies they get to use for whatever craft projects they have planned. I think she also helps with the choosing of the theme.
These are only a few of the people who help make my workday by giving me a giggle or two. Its because of the office dynamic that we are all able to do our jobs and maintain a level of sanity, because it sure as the sky is blue is not because of the nagging customers.
But anyway... enough about work...
My grandparents from the Netherlands are here. They actually arrived the Thursday after I got home, so now I am sleeping in the guest room and they are in my bedroom. There is a simple explanation for why they aren't sleeping in the guest room... my oma had hip replacement surgery about 7 months ago and is not able to get out of the bed in that room as easily as she is able to get out of my bed. So my mom kicked me out for the five weeks of their visit. Funny thing is, I leave for the Netherlands 2 days before they do, so I will not be reunited with my own bed until almost the end of July. Sad story, I know, but its for a good cause.
Also, just Sunday I got to hang out with my friend KT for a couple hours. It was so nice to talk with her in person once more. While we were hanging out, I realized that we are quite scarily similar despite our differences. It was really cool.
I'm looking forward to happenings in the next couple weeks. For instance, next Wednesday, Walhof is driving through and said he would give me a call once he arrived at Jeremiah's. I'm pretty stoked to see him again. Then the Wednesday after that Paul is coming to town for a week. I guess I'm stoked to see him too. And then the Monday after he leaves I will be taking off for the Netherlands and get to hang out with 7 more Dordt people and an amazing professor. It will be nice to see people from school during the summer as opposed to having nearly 4 months of absence.
So yeah... despite the frustrations of becoming part of a family unit once again, there are many things that are coming to help keep me sane. I love my family dearly, but coming back with the combined stress of not being in my own room has been having its tole on me. Oh well...
In conclusion, things are going well here and I am still alive and kicking. Hopefully I will not wait this long to write another blog... sorry... Its not like I haven't tried to write, I just couldn't figure anything out to write about... Anyway...
Until next time... water your flowers and feed your dogs.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Written by: Melissa at 7:10 PM
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4 insights:
I might steal your sighoff.
*sign off rather
Love the new background!
why thank you joel!
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