"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars." -Henry Van Dyke

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back from the edge of the world...

I know that all you faithful readers have been thinking that I have fallen off the face of the earth, but in reality, I only went to the edge of the world, and sadly that involves not much time to keep all of you updated on life's happenings. But now I am back and everyone can be happy again.

Europe was amazingly fun and very busy. We did pretty much everything possible in the span of three weeks and then my family chose to pick up where we left off. Our days consisted of waking up and having class by 9 until whenever. Then we would pack our lunches and go on an excursion to do some field learning, like going to the Rijks Museum after learning about Rembrandt in class.

Depending on the day and the traffic we would on average get back to our mansion at around 9 in the evening, and would then have to make dinner. We would make dinner in pairs and each pair had an assigned day to make dinner. It worked out quite nicely, actually.

After dinner and dessert (about 10) we then had to do the assigned reading for the next day, write a journal entry, and add to our Dutch word log (which by the end had to have 100 words). The next day would start the cycle again.

Thursday was the day that marked the beginning of our weekend. So after our appointed excursion on Thursdays we went abroad in Europe. For our first weekend we took the ferry from the coast of Calais in France to the coast of Dover in England. We then drove to London and hung out there until Saturday, when after the Phantom of the Opera we returned back to the Netherlands.

The second weekend we first went down to Normandy and spent Independence day looking at the beaches from D-day and also visited the American Cemetary in Colleville Sur Mer.

The next day we attempted to see all the major site in Paris (not going in any of them), which for the most part was successful, but involved a lot of walking and Metro riding.

As for the weather, it was mostly beautiful and sunny and warm, but toward the end it cooled off and started to rain a bit more... which was unfortunate, especially when I was with the family.

Yes, I am glad to be back home, because as "good" as I may be at speaking Dutch, it becomes difficult when you trully want to express yourself. Plus, I really enjoy having unlimited access to the internet and my cell phone simply for keeping in touch with people. I do miss being there though, and this time around felt like I missed out and am missing out on a lot of things because we moved here. But yet, I remain grateful for the life that God has given me here.

So that is it for now. If you have any questions, you know where to find me or at least how to contact me. Until next time, be friendly to your stewardesses...

1 insights:

Joel said...

Awesome! Thanks for the pics.