"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars." -Henry Van Dyke

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Cruelty of Mankind [myself included]

This is something I wrote down last night while in the library:

'ever had to restrain the urge to roll your eyes? multiple times?! it happens a lot while eavesdropping on conversations.... especially the matter of Praise and Worship...

-You going to Praise and Worship?
-No!? I'll pray for you...


-repress rolling eyes now-'

Thinking back on the entire scenario, that was very condescending. To think that I am any better than the person who said this, gosh, what an ego. Humility is something that is in short supply, especially in my life.

Who am I to even think that I am better than the person next to me?

Who am I to think that the people I associate myself with are supreme to all the other people I could spend time with?

To step outside of myself and see that, I felt very ugly. Ugly as a person, as a human-being, as a child of God. How can I even call myself that?... especially after the things that I think about fellow image-bearers?

I'm not down on myself or anything, just a little disappointed... The higher you are, the farther you fall...

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