"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars." -Henry Van Dyke

Monday, March 10, 2008

Life is so good...

This time of year is absolutely divine. One can easily tell that spring is in the air. The bite of the wind is losing its sting. The grass is making a valiant effort to fight through the snow. The sun shines brighter than what has become normal. The pavement replaced the sheet of ice for a walking surface. The melted snow puddles glisten in the sun's light. And the birds are consistently outside to sing a merry little tune to anyone who chooses to listen.

Back home, this feeling and atmosphere would have been here for over a month, but better late than never, right?... But perhaps spring is more appreciated after this sort of winter, at least it is for me...

Even so, when it snowed only three days ago, it didn't bring despair. The snow was quite beautiful, because it merely floated down in the way snow ought to. It was like a snow globe, and absolutely breath taking to watch in light of the lampposts. Also, it was easier to remember that winter cannot last forever, since there have already been evidences of it in weeks prior.

It's this feeling that makes me want to dance, sing and smile all day long. I love it. I can't help but be bubbly and hope others share this same feeling.

Plus, life in general is taking a turn for the better. My brother visited this weekend, and it was just nice to see him and hang out with him for a little bit. I am more confident about things in my mind. And a general feeling of pure contentment and happiness has replaced the cloud of doubt and anxiety. Now all that's left is to be patient for other things.


2 insights:

Paul K said...

I think my raspberry vanilla latte combo was full of win. But you should know... cuz you ate it not me.

Paul K said...

oops... wrong post... you get the idea.