"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars." -Henry Van Dyke

Monday, December 3, 2007

Minor Update

So things like hitting me at the same time, or at least it likes to when I have an Organic Chemistry test coming up....

There's still this constant boy problem thing that keeps on hounding me. It seems like things don't want to give me a break, especially this. I just don't have time this week to deal with it.

Speaking of this week, I wrote down my entire plan/schedule for after classes on each day... yeah... I am not going to have a life for the next 4 days. oh well...

Today I had a chat with a friend for about 30 min. It was slightly awkward, but necessary. This same friend asked me to the Christmas banquet next week. Truthfully, I don't want to go to the function, but I know that that night will be extremely boring if I don't go.

My mind is a billion places at once, but through the grace of God, things are still working and my life is relatively peaceful. Only 16 more days until my mind will be set free to wander and wonder by its own free will...

2 insights:

KTP said...

We're almost done... that's what I keep telling myself. You'll do great with your organic chemistry. I believe in you!

Much love!

Jenny said...

its good to be busy with stuff sometimes. who needs a social life?!
(haha i've survived for nearly a year without much of one :P)
and you're going to do your best on your test.
i think you're brilliant!