Here's a song that's making a residence inside my head: "Let's Go Fly a Kite" Heard of it? Don't know how it got there, but on a day like this, it's very appropriate.
Here's a feeling that I won't be able to get over: pulling apart, limb-by-limb, a CRAWFISH Have you done this? It's quite a sickening feeling really, but after the first few things you tear off, you sort of just get over it and finish what you need to do. This crawfish was dead, so don't you worry your little head that I'm becoming sick and sadistic by tearing apart live animals. That's just awful. Any corruption that I possess, you have probably already seen, so no worries.
Here's an interesting thought: I love learning about human anatomy. Do you? It's simply amazing everything that is in the body. I would be perfectly fine with just studying how the body works for the rest of my days. The intricacies, the mind-boggling intricacies. Today, I was reading up on the respiratory system for Medical Terminology and randomly said out loud, "I really want to 'rip apart' a human body." Danielle was sitting next to me and was a bit startled by my sudden outburst. What was actually meant by it was that I would like to dissect a cadaver and see exactly how the human body is put together. Everyone grows up with some sort of notion of how it all works, but to actually see it with your own eyes... man, that would be amazing.
Here's another thought: I am a bit morbid (sometimes) without meaning to be. Have you noticed this and not told me? Just last night, while explaining what I want to do with my life to a person I had just met, I said, "Yeah, I'm looking forward to the centrifuge... and the blood." NOT INTENTIONAL mind you. Now I am sure that this person thinks I have an unhealthy fascination with blood... What was actually meant was that I am looking forward to working with specimens in a lab setting where one can analyze what may or may not be wrong with it. Again, I am not that sick.
Here's something to look forward to: tonight we're going to a Jewish Synagogue/Temple and next Friday we're going to an Islamic Mosque. You jealous? It should be pretty awesome I think. Hopefully everything goes well and it will be an amazing learning experience.