"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars." -Henry Van Dyke

Saturday, February 9, 2008

to answer or to not answer, that is the question

Have you ever been asked a question numerous times, where the answer, no matter how creative you get, makes people feel awkward, think they offended you or brought up bad memories, wish they didn't bring it up? One of those questions, that no matter how you answer it or side-step it, you know they are going to feel bad about it and not know how to react? And then, when you answer the question truthfully, people say "oh, i'm SO sorry" as if you were going to start crying at the mere mention of it. And then you try to make them feel better by saying, "it's ok, really" and they strongly disagree.

Funny thing is, I always feel like I led them into a trap when they do ask me this question. It's not intentional, it's just how I keep things alive in my memory. But some people catch on to the "was", and then they ask about the "now". I still don't know how to respond properly. I hate seeing the expression people give me when they for the first time know, but only because I felt like I tricked them into asking that question, which I don't.

Perhaps I should take a poll asking what would be the best way to answer the question, because honestly, I'm still at a loss...

In other news, last night people told me that I should stop thinking about Spring and what it was like, because it's going to be a long time before it gets here. Sure, it makes sense, but that happy thought and feeling is something that I'm looking forward to, and I don't want to forget what it was, otherwise I'm just going to lose site of what's to come.

Should that possibly be our attitude all the time, especially in times of darkness? To choose to hold on to memories of the good things in a hopeful way, as opposed to bitterness for the way things are now. Sure, we don't know when it's going to get better, but that's where hope and faith that it will get better keeps us going.

If we don't have positive hope for the future, then what are we living for?

So... I will conclude with some words of wisdom from Journey:

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'

6 insights:

Jenny said...

surely you know that i love Journey. surely you know they are in my top 5. surely you know that i love you regardless of your STELLAR lyrical selection, or your (unfortunate) *was* responses.

i am sorry that you feel this way. i think i have something good to say, but can't seem to find the words.
its okay, it was probably really cliche...

love you.

Alvin said...

I told you not to think of Spring because Winter is, even in February, a beautiful time. The changing of the seasons is an amazing process and we should be able to live in the now. Spring will come when it comes and we will love it, but for now, we watch the snow fall.

Also, what question are you talking about?

Melissa said...

jenny: you are quite amazing and i was quite surprised tonight! i love you dearly darling!

alvin: that may be, and i'm glad that you cleared that up. :) as for the question that comes up... "what does your dad do?" yeah...

Alvin said...

Ohhhh... Oh! Yeah. Do you get that often?

Melissa said...

over the past five and a half years it has made it's fair share of appearances... even some of the people that have known me for a while don't know... i'm not even sure if my roommate knows.

(err)in life said...

my lovely friend!!

Re: your comment on my blog: trust me. i know. :} i feel pretty stupid about it actually, but i just had to get it out.

Re: your blog: i really truly wish i had an answer for you, love! I've actually been thinking about it for a weekish now, and i have no thoughts of genius for you other than these lines from one of our favorite songs.

Rubber Ducky
You're the one
You make my bath time
Lots of fun
Rubber Melissa,
I'm awfully fond of you.