"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars." -Henry Van Dyke

Monday, February 25, 2008

Got Answers?

There it is again... the question that has been prodding my mind for all of these months. Apparently avoiding the topic did nothing but keep me from facing the reality of things. The same feelings that were thought to have been shaken off have once again returned. It all happened so quickly too.


Conversation done and feelings returned, with even more questions than before. It's not intentional. And it's not like these feelings can be pinned down to one specific reason, believe me, I've tried. Talking through it doesn't help. It's come to the point where it seems over discussed.

Maybe these feelings are the sign that has been long searched for.

Maybe not.

There it is again.

Now things concerning the future are also constantly running through my mind. It's funny how conversations just replay through my mind like a broken record player. To be honest, I'm quite scared about what may have to be done in several aspects of my life. It's shaking me. Shaking the foundation I thought I had. Shaking the plans that have been meticulously worked out.

Things are now riding on what happens these next few months. Pretty much the next few months will determine the future. So many 'what if's...

1 insights:

KTP said...

We should talk sometime because I am not entirely sure how the specifics of your situation are going... :)