"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars." -Henry Van Dyke

Sunday, November 25, 2007

..."Fond, but not in LOVE"... [just some simple, disconnected thoughts]

This quote fascinated me a couple nights ago, while I was in an interesting situation. I forced myself to remember it, for whatever reason, I don't know, but I did anyway. People should contemplate this I think, though it is pretty straight forward...

I am still feeling a bit queezy from a couple nights ago, but then again, that was entirely my own fault. I hope my appetite reappears soon...

It is Sunday, and I still haven't done a lick of homework. Oh yes, I am aspiring to achieve...

Current decision I have made (which may or may not be fair to the other party involved): I am going to do nothing about the situation until after Christmas break when I have had time to myself to contemplate things, and in the words of Alvin, "hash it out". (Then again, no one knows what tomorrow may hold, and then I may have to take action)...

Somewhat connected to the previous thought, there's just so much mystery that surrounds all of this. I keep on praying about it, but who knows what answers may be in store for me...

Speaking of prayer, today the pastor preached on prayer, and he said something that truly struck me. He said that the answer to prayer may not be the changing of God, but the changing of us. Constantly praying about one thing or another may lead us to be okay with the fact that we cannot have something, and when we receive the answer that we have so desired, it is a blessing, but one that we have come to the point where we could have been content without. Interesting, no? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one...

I received an e-mail from my mother today, and she sent me a picture that she took of my birthtown from the last time she visited. I thought that it would be nice to share this picture with you folks...

This is something I realized after saying the 4th point... I am an unfair person. I guess the reason for me not to do anything is a perfectly selfish reason. But also, it is because I have no idea of what to do, and I feel if I did anything now, it would only screw things up. Taking some advice from Treebeard, I don't want to be too hasty...

Another interesting thought, someone asked me what happened between me and Zach for about the millionth time. I gave this person the same answer I give every person, also expressing my frustration with not knowing why, which is part of the reason I think I'm still/was angry with Zach. But then he said something to me that just struck me... Sometimes people just feel like it's not going to work out. Looking back on the situation surrounding the break-up, it all sorta' makes sense. I think that little grain of insight was all I really needed to be okay with it all...

But now I feel like I should apologize to Zach for being kind of unkind to him these past couple weeks. Would that be a stupid thing to do?...

I think I've spent more than enough time on this post at this point, but these are the thoughts that have been going through my mind as of late...

3 insights:

Jenny said...

i think apologizing, sometimes, does a lot more than we know.
and sometimes it helps us a lot too.

that sounded dumb and cliche. but whatever. i think it would be nice of you to apologize.

Melissa said...

it may be cliche sounding, but you're probably right... thank you jenny

(err)in life said...

treebeard my just be one of the wisest fictional, vegetable creatures ever created...