"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars." -Henry Van Dyke

Thursday, November 15, 2007


The past few days I have been wondering why I have been feeling the way that I have been. Just 15 minutes ago, the answer came to me. It was a moment of realization: God was working through the situation and through me. The reason for these feelings was the answer to the prayer that has been in my mind and heart for the past couple weeks.

Something had always been bothering me about the entire situation, and the answer that was being searched for presented itself. That was all that was needed for me to understand why I felt this way. It's amazing and truly a blessing from God.

On a less lighter note, lack of motivation is seeping in from all corners, dragging everything down. I'm just not in the mood to deal with certain things, homework being the primary thing to be dealt with.

Also, the entire trapped/being-swallowed-whole feeling is coming back, and is much harder to shake, but I'm dealing with it.

But despite the current moodiness I have been facing, the first topic discussed has put me in a less moody state of being.

(Things are going to remain vague on purpose....)

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