Well, as of late, I have been realizing that I don't feel like I can confide in someone heart-to-heart... which is difficult for me, since I tend to have one thing or another going on that I would love advice with.
So why not friends?
Because I feel like we all need a break from one another, and that my problems are a bit trivial compared to theirs. They'll probably say that it's untrue, but I feel otherwise.... People get a bit touchy around this time of year for various reasons: stress, weather, being sick of school, needing to leave, the list goes on.... Plus I hate explaining the entire situation to them, and what exactly happened, and what the response was, and such and such, and so and so.... It's a lot of work, and I don't want to impose.
So why not family?
I do, but not everything. When it comes to people problems, they would have to know the person instead of having me explain it all. Makes the entire situation a bit tedious...
So why not this blog?
The internet doesn't give much of a response. It's like talking into a dark, empty chamber; the message is uttered and echoes for a little bit then fades to be forgotten forever. Yes, there are people who read this and give me their comments of reassurance or whatever, but it's such a shallow way to communicate what is going on inside. [I'm a bit of a hypocrit, I know...]
So why not God?
That would be ideal now wouldn't it? Yeah, I know.... He knows me best, He knows what's going on, He is always listening, He is never distracted, He cares about me, He loves me,... Yes, I know all of this. I've just let him take a backseat to my life again. I don't talk to him much anymore. Plus it's just so hard to talk to someone, some entity, some supernatural, all-powerful being, that doesn't talk directly back. Alls I want is a direct answer on what to do, alls I want to see is the reaction, alls I want to know is that he is there listening 100%. Well, the last statement is silly, because I know he is always listening, plus that's where faith comes in, huh? I don't doubt his existence, his presence in my life. But who can say that they never wanted direct answers from him? I have been wanting them for such a long time, but I never seem to get them. There are people that claim that God told them this or that, and they seem convinced in their own mind. I'm a bit of a skeptic where those are concerned, but that's nothing against them.
I just need to get my ass in gear again, and work on my relationship with God.