It has been a terribly long time since I had blogged last. It has been an even longer time since I had blogged on a regular basis. Sorry folks, but for some reason there is nothing really to complain or talk about. And if there were, its probably better to complain or talk about it with people.... Not that you faithful readers out there aren't people, but I think you get the picture. But regardless...
The truth is I have tried to blog in the past, but I never end up publishing those blogs. Believe me, if you saw how many drafts I have saved, you might just wonder why I try to blog at all. There are a multitude of reasons I could give as to why those are there, but it has a lot to do with me deciding its nothing worth reading about or having other people worry about.
Anyway... I am doing well. Life still has its road blocks and speed bumps, but I manage to find my way around. There are plenty of people to help me through those things, and I am very grateful for them all. Things with schooling are rather up in the air at this time. As of now, I am going to finish out my junior year at Dordt, but only the Lord knows what will be decided in this upcoming semester.
This upcoming semester in itself should be very exciting and present new challenges and adventures for me to enjoy or conquer. I will be in 4 biology classes and 2 bio labs, planning a few fun events, being part of a wedding, and finding time to spend with people just to relax. Some people are coming back and some people are leaving or moving away. And most importantly, there will be no breaks until a third of the way through March. There are a few things that are certain at this point, as for the rest, I leave it up to God and his guiding power.
Thank you all for caring enough about me to check in and see how things are going. I hope you have an eventful New Year! Until next time, practice fire safety while playing with fireworks...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Written by: Melissa at 12:03 AM 0 insights
Friday, November 7, 2008
Time for Round Three:
In an instance we have all been grasped from the inviting warmth of an Indian summer and cruelly clutched by the icy vise of winter's wrath. Not but a few days ago were we outside lolling in the sun's delightful rays without a care as to when winter would arrive. Now we retreat from the outdoors as quickly and cautiously as possible, as to avoid further exposure from the elements.
This is now a time for changes to be made, transitions in one's lifestyle in order for survival and minimal angst. To begin simply, a change in attire is required for those who would prefer not freeze whilst making a trek from point A to point B. I myself tend to wear leggings under my jeans, and tucked into my knee-high tube socks, with a camisole tucked also into my leggings, underneath a long sleeved shirt. This is only my basic and most essential layer. Then of course you add the boots for footwear (chique and functional), a scarf, mittens and hat for thermal preservation and to top it off, a long wool coat. Yes, this is the only way I have been able to survive the past few winters I have spent here.
Next thing to change is the way one plans their day. For those who have not lived further than a stones throw away from the Campus Center or Classroom Building, will soon learn how to meticulously plan out their day so that time spent in the cold is cut down to a minimum. Lists usually help if you're not good at mentally planning things out.
Finally, as the ice begins to form on the ground people begin to change their approach to walking outside. Steps become lighter while synchronously their speed becomes quicker. The lightness of step is key as to avoid a potentially very embarrassing blunder on the ice. Despite my own attempts to maintain the "lightness of step", I have fallen a grand total of six times during my career here at Dordt. These usually occurred while descending hills, but I hope to make an improvement on my record this year.
Well, I believe it is time to cease these ramblings and to get over the fact that this deluge of snow, wind and ice will not desist until late April. Adieu fair weather pleasures...
Written by: Melissa at 12:51 PM 0 insights
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
It's been a while...
Life has been good so far this school year. As of now, its been one of the least stressful and most pleasurable semesters since the beginning of my college career. Admittedly, at the beginning of year, I wasn't all that excited to be back, nor did I feel mentally prepared for the tasks that needed to be accomplished. But since Tri-state has come and gone, I have been able to get the rest I need and things I wanted to accomplish finished in order to feel the level of preparedness that I normally like to feel in order to function normally.
That being said, I am not at all suggesting that this semester has come with its fair share of stresses. For instance, I already have freaked out about both of my science classes and the major fear that they will not go well. Tied to this, is the fear of the possibility of me not getting into the desired Medical Technology program next year. Another difficult thing to overcome has simply been able to find a rhythm to my day and my week. This is largely due to the adjustment of apartment living, but it finally seems to be settling down.
Taking all this into account, yes there have been good times so far and yes there have been highly stressful situations so far, but on the whole, I feel enormously blessed with the entire year. It has not only been academically rewarding, but even more spiritually rewarding. It is easy to look forward to what the next day may bring, the challenges which may be presented, the fellowship which may be enjoyed, and the simple moments where all that can be done is sit in awe of how amazing life is despite its many, many drawbacks. A lot of the time, it is still difficult to remain upbeat about the state of this world and how its being run, but to choose to enjoy the junctures that make this life worth living is enough to balance it out.
Well... now it is time to stop blogging and to start doing other more productive things with my day. Tot de volgende keer!
Written by: Melissa at 12:39 PM 0 insights
Friday, September 26, 2008
For the love of phospholipids and the like...
For those of you who do not know, phospholipids are the molecules which from the membranes of the cells of which compose our bodies (as well as many other things). A phospholipid is composed of two fatty acids (a fatty acid is a hydrocarbon with an alcohol group attached) and a phosphogroup. The phosphogroup is considered the head of the molecule and it is hydrophilic, while the fatty acid chains are hydrophobic. Multiple phospholipids, when they come together, align themselves up head-to-head and chain-to-chain forming a sort of layer. If you get enough of these together, a cell membrane will form.
All of this is being said, because, for one, I have been learning a lot about them lately and for two, its simply amazing how something that seems so simple is quite complex and takes many circumstances and processes in order to take place. Now this sort of discovery has occurred within only the past few centuries, but have existed for millenia. So you tell me, if we were meant to have evolved by our own accord over many billions of years, knowing what we need to do to ourselves in order to survive, how is it that we only just figured this out about ourselves? This is probably a stupid question, but how exactly did an atom know that it would need electrons, neutrons and protons in order to function properly? Or that an oxygen knew that it would need hydrogen in order to form the life sustaining liquid dihydrogen monoxide (aka. water)?
Another thought, if one believes the first law of thermodynamics to be true (that matter can neither be created, nor destroyed), how can you prove that something just exploded into existence?
It just seems to me, that for beings that had to use some sort of intelligence (or innate ability) in order to evolve into the vastly superior beings which we are, it take many years of research in order even somewhat understand the basics which support the existence of life. Perhaps I am just rambling incoherently, but this theory seems like a poorly constructed argument in order to explain away the existence of something superior to ourselves. Just a thought...
Well... that's enough thinking for a Sunday. Be diligent and diligently be...
Written by: Melissa at 10:11 AM 0 insights
Monday, September 22, 2008
Life is just speeding past...
I thought that the summer went by quickly, but man is this semester just flying by. It's weird that I feel like I am still trying to find a sort of routine at this point. Seriously, it has been over a month now. Crazy huh?
People always say, in one form or another, to capture the moment or to seize the day, but how does one exactly do that when every moment of every day has to be planned out in order to provide maximum efficiency? By the time things have finally settled down in the evening, its time to go to bed. And not only are days planned out to the nines, but weeks tend to be the regular routine with which the daily routines settle into. It is near impossible to simply think about one day at a time if one wants to be able to get things done in a timely fashion.
Its simply mind-boggling how fast the time passes by...
Other then this, life is going splendidly well, despite a few hiccoughs along the way. Having the roommates that I do and the people that I love supporting me, has been such a blessing. Not only that, but somehow I am managing to stay on top of everything, while at the same time maintaining the friendships and relationship that I am a part of (which isn't usually a problem, but sometimes I just scare myself into time management). After my first round of tests in a couple of my classes, I feel a bit more confident about the outcome of this semester.
In general, I am content and happy with how things are going (if you didn't get that from the last paragraph). Yup! So, peace out!
Written by: Melissa at 10:45 PM 0 insights
Saturday, August 9, 2008
...and the rest came...
Yesterday was a relieving day of sorts. Improvement was seen as well as a form of acceptance that I never expected to come. And the most beautiful part about it was that I didn't need to do a thing, but just listen to what she had to say. I know it's not going to be easy, but I have a feeling that it may go better this time around.
Written by: Melissa at 11:42 AM 0 insights
Friday, August 8, 2008
Why can't I find the rest I need?
This is going to be another sleepless night. My body is tired, but my thoughts keep on running wild. Why the hell is this bothering me so much? It's just one of those situations where you can't bear to not do something because of what may happen, but a the same time can't figure out what to do. I am so impatient for the answer that I am seeking from the Lord.
Why does this keep on going? How would something like this play into God's perfect plan?
There are so many different ways it is playing out in my head, yet I feel like the outcome would be the same everytime. Why do I get the feeling that it would be like talking to a wall? A wall that feels like no one friggin' understands what's going on and continues to dwell on it no matter what people say? People have been talking to this wall for quite some time now, but nothing helps.
I suppose the reason why I am losing sleep is because I am trying to figure out a sure-fire way to reach into someone's soul and shake it awake. To spark some conviction to change these habits. To show how silly all of this is.
But I can't do a thing, because it has to come from within... There it is. The realization that I can't do one thing to make a difference, only God can do that. Only God knows all the workings of the human heart. Only God can tear down that wall that so many people have attempted to break.
This is one of those moments when you realize how feeble we are as human beings. How little we can do without the grace of God. I know from my own life that I have no strength to stand up on my own. This, of course, is also one of those times where you recognize that only individuals can understand that when they see it in their own lives. You may believe me when I say it, but until, in your own time, you truly see it for yourself, you won't really believe me. I'll just be one of those people that "preaches" at you.
Well, whatever this is, it is by no means a sermon. Just someone letting out the thoughts that are preventing them from resting peacefully.
Written by: Melissa at 1:50 AM 0 insights
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Lord, what do I do?
How can one effectively help a friend that has been wallowing in their despair for far too long? Perhaps I cannot be the judge of what is "too long", but isn't it a sign when the rest of the people that were affected by the same situation have moved on long ago? When they begin to forget the dates and yet your year revolves around that particularly tragic day?
It has been old for a while, but I thought they were getting over it. That sounds quite heartless, but it's wearing me and my sympathy thin. I want to continue to show sympathy and understanding, but is it too much at this point? Is it time for someone to say in a firm but friendly tone that this has gone on for so long that it is quite ridiculous? I know that I do not understand what they are going through, but heck, who can fully understand what anyone is going through?
Chances are that they think that my loss doesn't compare to theirs and therefore I have no right to say anything. There is still so much bitterness and anger, making it difficult to try to reach out.
Then there is the complaint that everyone knows what kind of problems they are facing. But how can they help that they know when you tell everyone and set yourself up for those kind of situations?
So as you can see, there is quite a predicament. Maybe I should just not say anything. If I should say something, what should I say? Yeah... I am quite at a loss for words at this point.....
Written by: Melissa at 1:27 PM 0 insights
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Back from the edge of the world...
I know that all you faithful readers have been thinking that I have fallen off the face of the earth, but in reality, I only went to the edge of the world, and sadly that involves not much time to keep all of you updated on life's happenings. But now I am back and everyone can be happy again.
Europe was amazingly fun and very busy. We did pretty much everything possible in the span of three weeks and then my family chose to pick up where we left off. Our days consisted of waking up and having class by 9 until whenever. Then we would pack our lunches and go on an excursion to do some field learning, like going to the Rijks Museum after learning about Rembrandt in class.
Depending on the day and the traffic we would on average get back to our mansion at around 9 in the evening, and would then have to make dinner. We would make dinner in pairs and each pair had an assigned day to make dinner. It worked out quite nicely, actually.
After dinner and dessert (about 10) we then had to do the assigned reading for the next day, write a journal entry, and add to our Dutch word log (which by the end had to have 100 words). The next day would start the cycle again.
Thursday was the day that marked the beginning of our weekend. So after our appointed excursion on Thursdays we went abroad in Europe. For our first weekend we took the ferry from the coast of Calais in France to the coast of Dover in England. We then drove to London and hung out there until Saturday, when after the Phantom of the Opera we returned back to the Netherlands.
The second weekend we first went down to Normandy and spent Independence day looking at the beaches from D-day and also visited the American Cemetary in Colleville Sur Mer.
The next day we attempted to see all the major site in Paris (not going in any of them), which for the most part was successful, but involved a lot of walking and Metro riding.
As for the weather, it was mostly beautiful and sunny and warm, but toward the end it cooled off and started to rain a bit more... which was unfortunate, especially when I was with the family.
Yes, I am glad to be back home, because as "good" as I may be at speaking Dutch, it becomes difficult when you trully want to express yourself. Plus, I really enjoy having unlimited access to the internet and my cell phone simply for keeping in touch with people. I do miss being there though, and this time around felt like I missed out and am missing out on a lot of things because we moved here. But yet, I remain grateful for the life that God has given me here.
So that is it for now. If you have any questions, you know where to find me or at least how to contact me. Until next time, be friendly to your stewardesses...
Written by: Melissa at 1:36 PM 1 insights
Thursday, June 12, 2008
3.5 days left to prepare
Yup, in three and a half days I will be flying over the U.S., Canada, the Atlantic, the UK and other random countries that may be in the way... perhaps even Greenland. It will be 5 weeks until I return home once again. Of course there are certain hopes and wants that I have for this time in the Netherlands, as well as reservations.
Here is the basic outline of my visit:
June 16- fly out
June 17- land
June 20- start program
July 11- finish program
July 22- fly back
July 23- land
During this time I will be spending money, rather then earning/saving it, I will be out of verbal communication with the people I love and care about and have limited Internet communication, I will be working on bettering my language skills, I will be spending a day in Paris and a weekend in London as well as travelling all over the Netherlands, I will be spending time with family I never get to see and I will be taking a ton of pictures, thanks to my new camera.
But to get to that point, I have a lot of things I need to do here, and very little time to do it in. Also very little memory to retain all of those items on my list. Oh yes...
Also, my family is currently in Canada, so I won't be able to get some of the things that I really need until the day before I go. But oh well, it is all in God's hands, I just need to remember to take advantage of my spare time and get things done.
Well, I hope all of you readers out there are doing well and enjoying summer weather (which for some reason doesn't want to appear here...) So until the next time... live long and prosper.
Written by: Melissa at 6:17 PM 1 insights
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Conversation with Anna
As I was sitting with one of my very good friends at a picnic table during a graduation party, low and behold, one of my favorite high school teachers came sauntering by along the street where this house was. Both my friend and myself became rather excited and I am sure we both shared the same feeling, but also overjoyed when she joined us at the table. Before going any further, some background is required.
Anna Simpson was the high school choir director for my sophomore through senior year. I somehow even managed to get into the auditioned women's choir, Ars Pristina, my junior year and remained in it through my senior year. This was one of my absolute favorite classes, especially when I was in Ars Pristina. It allowed me and 15 other girls to work hard at our music while having a fun time with one another. Also, Anna was the person to introduce this class to our school. She also developed a Jazz Combo and since I have left, a men's choir named Mirth. Everyone who is in her class, especially her auditioned classes work really hard for her, and always feel like shit when they've let her down. And though she developed a lot of musical classes, she also, within those classes helped the music programs develop a larger repertoire as opposed to years past, when simple English songs were all that we sang, gave us some musical history (which also never happened before), added two concerts to the year, added a fund raiser Variety Show, and brings the choirs and bands on tour, not to Seattle (which is wonderful), but to Disney Land and other great music festivals.
As a person, she is very understanding of and sympathetic to people and is easily approachable and wonderful to talk to. While in Ars Pristina, there were many great conversations that took place, prayer concerns shared with honest sincerity, and laughs and giggles vocalized. We even had a day where all we did was learn different dances. It was a safe haven and a wonderful way to end the day.
So today, the three of us were slightly catching up on the happenings in our lives, but also discussing the differences between college and high school, how boys actually communicate and how it is difficult for people to be understanding of one another, which is what leads to cliques. Though the first topic is pretty well understood amongst most college aged people and the second is one that only girls should discuss with one another (though she had some very interesting observations...), the third is what sticks with me.
People are people and should be treated as such, was the main gist of this conversation. But the tendencies of our human nature are to be exclusive and not understanding. This is a painful reality when one realizes it and takes it to heart. I realize that I talk about this a lot, but that must mean it is something that affects me a lot. Then we talked about even though our human nature tends to be this way, it is through grace that we are going to be able to overcome this and be more inclusive. Christ was the premium example of this; he, through his grace, brought all of the outcasts to him. The people who were in the "in" crowd, such as the wealthy, the religious leaders, etc. were more 'out casted' by Christ, if that can be said, because of this. They were cold to the people that he drew near. And when we read in the Scriptures, I know I grow upset with those people and ask, "how could they be that way to other people?" Then yes, the realization sets in, followed by shame.
Anna told us that her husband grew up in a church that was rather large and tended to have cliques, but that his father, as the pastor, was never really apart of that. He was the person who brought the outcasts together in his home. They housed foster children and invited the 'stranger' people of the congregation over for gatherings. As a result of growing up in this kind of environment, her husband was willing to be friends with anyone at school and beyond that point. He was able to see them as people and not put them into stereotyped groups. That got me to thinking about how I would want my children to be raised. I would want them to be able to see people as people, and not as unapproachable because of one thing or another. I would want them to love people for who they were on the inside, not because of material or outer things. It is painful to think about all the opportunities that I have had during my life where I could reach out to someone, but let the opportunity pass because of what labels I would be associating myself with. I don't want my children to have that feeling, but this would mean that I would have to show them through my own life and actions, which is easier said then done.
So anyhow, this got really long. And as you can see, I am still working on stuff that I have been thinking about and struggling with for months. Until next time, pay your bills and drive sparingly... Peace out.
Written by: Melissa at 9:46 PM 0 insights
Monday, May 26, 2008
Benefits of learning a not-so-common language...
If you guys are looking for something that is fun to do... pick up another language that does not include Spanish or French. It is absolutely wonderful to listen to and speak with people in a language not many people understand.
First off, you can pretty much say anything about anyone and it doesn't matter, because no one else understands what you are saying. This happens a fair bit when my family from the Netherlands comes over for a bit. Oh what fun... though I do sort of feel bad for those people who have no idea what is going on.
Secondly, sort of in addition to the previous point, you can say all of the inappropriate things that would be considered uncouth in your homeland. For example, today at Boondocks my Opa said he needed to go to the "pisbak". Look it up, if you can, you may get a giggle, because my family sure did.
Finally, there is the simple joy of being able to speak a particular language, and if ever you reach the country of it's 'origin' you will be able to converse with the local people, even if it is not as fluent as you like. Also, you will be able to find your way around a bit easier than one who does not speak the language.
Well, these are only a few of the benefits of learning a not-so-common language, but they pretty much are the bones to the skeleton. Hopefully, from this very commercial blog, you will begin to work on a language (other than French or Spanish, which too have there benefits) and will be able to understand what I mean by these three points.
As sure as the sun sets in the west and the moon rises in the east... Peace out!
Written by: Melissa at 5:24 PM 1 insights
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Now I am home and have been for about a week and a half. The Monday after I got home, I started to work once again at Pazzles. No break for me this time, I've got to make some money. It sucks to have that kind of pressure. Working at Pazzles isn't as awful as I imagined it would be. Despite the fact that I don't particularly enjoy production, the people there are what make it worth while.
Pete is our repair tech that immigrated over from Hungary during his early teen years. He's quite funny and has some interesting tattoos. He pretty much helps brighten up my day whenever he's around.
Lisa is our... I don't quite know... but she does a lot. She too is an emigrant and is from England. She is my primary source for figuring out what I should do or make, but I believe there will be a new person coming in this week that will start doing that. She too is quite hilarious and doesn't take herself too seriously, which at this job, you shouldn't.
Tatum is a sweetheart and quite opinionated. She's quite an interesting person to be with and has a good sense of humor. I believe she takes technical support calls and does other random things like print stuff for me or whoever.
Amanda, who used to babysit me, is just funny and amazing and gets herself into situations where people tend to make fun of her. She does it all by herself too. She gets the job of working with the design team and basically decides what supplies they get to use for whatever craft projects they have planned. I think she also helps with the choosing of the theme.
These are only a few of the people who help make my workday by giving me a giggle or two. Its because of the office dynamic that we are all able to do our jobs and maintain a level of sanity, because it sure as the sky is blue is not because of the nagging customers.
But anyway... enough about work...
My grandparents from the Netherlands are here. They actually arrived the Thursday after I got home, so now I am sleeping in the guest room and they are in my bedroom. There is a simple explanation for why they aren't sleeping in the guest room... my oma had hip replacement surgery about 7 months ago and is not able to get out of the bed in that room as easily as she is able to get out of my bed. So my mom kicked me out for the five weeks of their visit. Funny thing is, I leave for the Netherlands 2 days before they do, so I will not be reunited with my own bed until almost the end of July. Sad story, I know, but its for a good cause.
Also, just Sunday I got to hang out with my friend KT for a couple hours. It was so nice to talk with her in person once more. While we were hanging out, I realized that we are quite scarily similar despite our differences. It was really cool.
I'm looking forward to happenings in the next couple weeks. For instance, next Wednesday, Walhof is driving through and said he would give me a call once he arrived at Jeremiah's. I'm pretty stoked to see him again. Then the Wednesday after that Paul is coming to town for a week. I guess I'm stoked to see him too. And then the Monday after he leaves I will be taking off for the Netherlands and get to hang out with 7 more Dordt people and an amazing professor. It will be nice to see people from school during the summer as opposed to having nearly 4 months of absence.
So yeah... despite the frustrations of becoming part of a family unit once again, there are many things that are coming to help keep me sane. I love my family dearly, but coming back with the combined stress of not being in my own room has been having its tole on me. Oh well...
In conclusion, things are going well here and I am still alive and kicking. Hopefully I will not wait this long to write another blog... sorry... Its not like I haven't tried to write, I just couldn't figure anything out to write about... Anyway...
Until next time... water your flowers and feed your dogs.
Written by: Melissa at 7:10 PM 4 insights
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
This is for those of you who think I have completely forgotten about blogging...
Well I have news for you, I haven't. Lately, whenever I open the blog-writing-window, nothing comes to mind for me to write about, and since I haven't been too keen on writing about what I feel may be complete nonsense, I have simply not written. Sorry, from the bottom of my heart.
However, now I am giving myself about 8 more minutes to write some quick things down before I go and study for 3 hours for my final test. It has sort of been a flustered past couple days, just trying to plan out when to study, when to pack, when to clean, and when to simply spend time with friends. Well now the walls of my dorm are bare, two boxes are in storage and one test remains. Fortunately, having done well enough in my classes, none of these tests are stressing me out to an unbearable point, giving me the chance to do things I must.
Tomorrow, after my final, will be devoted to the packing and cleaning of the remainder of the dorm. We are technically going to check out tomorrow at 11 am, which I do not necessarily understand why so soon, because I sure don't have time to prepare. But anyway, the fact still lies.
It's bitter-sweet to be doing all of these things. Yes, it will be nice to go home for the summer and work and go on vacation and such, but at the same time... I am going to miss people. Although, at this point in the year, it will be nice to get away from all the things that have been happening, and simply reflect on them. Oh yes, reflection is wonderful.
Good news!!! I got my summer job back, which is amazing and wonderful, because that means I can earn money for my trip and tuition. YAY!
Well, time's up! Hope all of you have a blessed rest of your week. Tune in next time and don't forget to tip your waiters!
Written by: Melissa at 7:47 PM 5 insights
Sunday, April 27, 2008
In Search of a Train of Thought
It has been a long time since I have written anything on this blog, and now it is high time to do so. Part of the blame for this grand pause from blogging can be given to the fact that my brain just can't seem to organize any specific thoughts in a coherent matter. Even now, as I am writing, it is difficult for me to focus on a topic that I may or may not care about. It's very frustrating really, but hopefully once classes and finals are finished I will be able to push around some things in my head to make room for a train of thought.
So for the past three days the major project that has taken up homework time is the Major World Religions paper which is due tomorrow. Yippee! I've got nine pages done and now just need to fill in the cracks that I have left and write an introduction/thesis and conclusion. Let's hope that it takes me at least three pages to do this.
I absolutely love to walk barefooted on lucious, green grass. It is perhaps one of the best feeling in the world. Taking walks in general is a favorite pastime of mine. There's just so much in God's creation that we are meant to enjoy, so why don't I do this more often...? search me... Actually, that was part of reason why I found the poem in the previous blog. Observing people walking [and by walking, I mean basically jogging] to and fro from East Campus/Covenant/Southview makes me wonder why exactly they are walking so fast. Sure, some of them may be running late or whatever, but some people regularly walk fast from place to place, and it makes me wonder if they are seeing the world around them and taking the time to enjoy it, or are they just really focused on getting to wherever they are going. It's really none of my business, but it makes me not want to be like that.
So yeah, this won't show on the time that I posted, but I took a two hour break from writing on this blog and currently don't have anything else to say. Peace out!
Written by: Melissa at 8:54 PM 0 insights
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
"Be Mindful of the Moment"
The here and now is all we hold through times of joy and sorrow.
We may watch fulsome years unfold -- or may not see tomorrow.
Be mindful of the moment. Pay attention to each one.
The past has fled beyond our grasp, the future’s yet to come.
There is no way to measure what ensuing days might bring,
So seize the utmost pleasure found in every daily thing.
The road of life is far too short: no need to travel fast.
Investigate the wonders that lie strewn along the path.
The tender leaves on springtime trees, rough pebbles on the ground,
The snowflakes drifting on the breeze that fall without a sound,
Are all unique and precious, if we take the time to see.
No two have been identical in all eternity.
Is this not true of people too? Be mindful, then, of each.
Both strangers and those close to you have useful things to teach.
The two of us part richer if we pass the time of day,
And don’t just brush each other off, then hurry on our way.
Preoccupied by urgent schemes of business, love or power,
By gambling on our future dreams, we lose the present hour.
A life is forged of moments linked together like a chain.
Live each in full -- for down this road we shall not pass again.
-Neil Harding McAlister
I hope you actually take the time to read this poem, because I think it says it all. A lot of what I have been feeling and thinking about as of late. Especially walking from class to class, talking with one person or another, and just sitting in a chair.
Written by: Melissa at 2:56 PM 1 insights
Monday, April 14, 2008
The previous post was not meant to be depressing. And yes, I do realize that people are going to be busy all summer doing things and what-not... :) YUP!
Written by: Melissa at 2:11 PM 0 insights
Just a thought...
The busyness of this time of year seems to get to everyone. Despite the crunch that the last few weeks puts on people, there's a serious lack of motivation from everyone that I talk to... or at least some level of unmotivation. It also seems to be putting the strain on relationships and such... everything is winding down and needs to get done (especially after months of procrastination) that the things that matter outside of schoolwork tend to take the back-burner. There's no time to listen to one another, there's no time to connect, there's no time to stay in touch, there's simply no time. It's hard to see this happening, especially right before everyone leaves for the summer. I think the hardest thing for me will be separated for three and a half months without seeing the people that I love, and then coming back to hear all of the fun stories of the times that they had together. I'm really not looking forward to it. Maybe I'm just being dramatic, because I love being home, but I want people to be able to see my home also. It's just so far away... Anyway... enough of this, time to do more school work.
Written by: Melissa at 2:03 PM 0 insights
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Lately I have been feeling rather withdrawn from people, especially on the weekends. Basically I would rather just sit and enjoy company with one or two people rather than be in a large group of people. Today, I would rather just be by myself for the entire day. Also, I've decided that I would like to be home right now. It's been a while since I have felt this way, but I really miss it and the people there. It may also be difficult for me right now because I want the people here to know the people I know, or at the very least to meet them. Even though the only family I have there is my mom and brothers, I have a huge church family that I would really like to see. It's also hard because I am missing two of my best friends from back home.
Anyway... about one more month to go...
Written by: Melissa at 12:39 PM 1 insights
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
...for all the things that have been needing to get done...
Hands down, one of the best smells in the world is the smell of fresh laundry drying with the window open on a Spring day. Oh yeah... Finally, after putting it off and putting it off, I did my rather large pile of laundry. I HAVE CLEAN CLOTHES AGAIN!!! Though, there is still 2 loads in the dryer down stairs and all the rest is currently drying, but by tomorrow, I should have options again. [I like my options, especially when it comes to clothing]
So far today, no homework has been attempted... now before you get on my case about it, I have been up since 9 am, which is an accomplishment since I don't have any classes today. Not that any of you would be interested in this, but the following is a list of how my day has gone so far:
-shower and get ready [Covenant]
-medical terminology test (which I passed) [Science Building]
-breakfast [the Grille]
-health services [Covenant]
-leave to drop off time card while they got my paperwork together [Southview]
-health services made sure I was healthy enough to travel [Covenant]
-turn in organic chemistry assignment [Science Building]
-lunch [Commons]
-visit with Piper for 30 min. [East Hall]
-write a check and borrow Renae's bike [Covenant]
-cash check [Business Office]
-fill bike tires [Maintenance]
-do laundry and clean pile of dishes [Covenant]
...and now I am doing this. YAY!!! So it has been quite a productive day despite the lack of homework-getting-done... but the day is still young, so more is to be accomplished... Granted, I could have consolidated some of my walking by planning ahead, but I really don't mind the walk/ride.
Now, I am going to check on my laundry downstairs and hopefully after putting it away get started on some homework... :) Good thing nothing is due tomorrow. :D
Written by: Melissa at 2:59 PM 1 insights
Monday, March 31, 2008
Let It Go
Today I have come to the conclusion that I need to let it go. What "it" is are just a number of different things (situations) that have been building up inside of me these past few months. It's tiring to hold on to, and quite useless at this point.
So... time to let it go...
the anger...
the frustration...
the hurt...
the resentment...
the confusion...
the past...
It's old, and it needs to end. If I keep on holding on to the afore mentioned feelings, it's going to eat up any of the relationships that I am in, or so it seems. Yeah, people tolerate it, but it needs to end now. It needs to stop being brought up. It needs to be let go.
Written by: Melissa at 3:04 PM 1 insights
Saturday, March 29, 2008
thoughts over leftovers, chocolate and tea
Things that bother me a little bit:
~people tearing other people down/apart behind their backs
~people not being content with what they have, where they are and who they were made to be
~not knowing what to think about things
~seeing that I am this way too
Things I am working on:
~finding the good/joy in little things and focusing on that instead of the negative
~being more understanding of the difficulties people face
~not letting the wrong things get to me
~being more consistent
Things I realize:
~that I will fail at the above from time-to-time
~that I shouldn't let those failures get to me
~that I shouldn't let past experiences discourage me, but instead let them guide me
~life sucks for everyone at times
Things that I love:
~the above all at once
~playing in the thunderstorms late at night
~being held
Things to do in the near future:
~visit Health Services (for Gen 253)
~buy my bro's birthday present
Written by: Melissa at 1:37 PM 1 insights
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I keep on coming back to this point:
What is it that makes me hesitate from showing that I care for other people? All people? There's something that holds me back. It's ok if it's someone that I'm comfortable with, someone that I can easily talk to and not feel awkward around. Seems to me that it's a fear that some people will expect things out of me that I won't be willing to give more than once, more than that one time that I should step outside of my comfort zone and show a person that I care, and that they are wanted and loved.
It's hard to love freely. Again I am staring into the faces of God's beloved children who are hurting or alone and refusing to give them love that all people should feel. Something is holding me back. Part of it may simply be fear of hurting them worse when I can't give them that love whenever they need it. Another part of me hopes someone else will take up the burden that I feel in doing this so that I won't have to go through with it.
How awful, right?!
It's heartbreaking to see hurt from rejection in the eyes of these people. It's even harder to put myself in the position that would be willing to reach out to them. People need people, no matter who the person is. It's one thing if they decide seclusion for themselves, it's another if it is thrust upon them by the very people who claim to be in a community, a Christian community at that.
Christ himself brought those rejected people into a community. It may be very obvious, but the very root of the word "Christian" is Christ, which means we should be doing what Christ did, right?!
Then why is it so hard? and frustrating? and angering?
Of course... human-nature...
But that doesn't mean I shouldn't try. And that doesn't mean I should give up on doing such things, even if it is difficult and against everything I want to do.
Boy, I wish things like this were so much more simple...
Written by: Melissa at 6:40 PM 1 insights
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Feelings and Thoughts as of Late:
...spring break was quite wonderful, and I really can't ask for it to have gone anymore perfectly...
...getting back into the swing of things at school is pretty difficult, but necessary... only 7 weeks left!...
...perhaps I should get started on writing that paper...
...there is a lot to do before the summer starts...
...despite the business to come, I feel very relaxed and ready to take things in stride...
...I am happy (not that I wasn't before...)... is quite a sad day when you can see the bottom of your Jelly Belly container...
...Death Cab for Cutie's Plans album is one of the best albums ever...
...worrying about what people may think is quite exhausting and really not worth it...
...walking around outside with only the use of a sweatshirt to block the cold is a wonderful feeling... use a cliche: BRING IT ON LIFE!!!...
..."love is watching someone die"...
Written by: Melissa at 3:49 PM 3 insights
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Magical Walks, Hindu Talks and a Question Mark Remains
Somewhat by myself in a somewhat dark room... I purposefully did this. Spring break so far has been exactly what I needed. It's not so much time to think as it is time to be. Time to be at peace with life, time to be with people I care about, time to be away from the stresses of every-day college life.
We (Alvin, Joel, and I) went to a national park a couple days ago. The place put me under this spell that I think is still somewhat affecting me. There were so many feelings and thoughts running through my head. I felt like a child and was fantasizing about being a wood nymph, and imagined seeing little gnomes and fairies playing in the trees, puddles, snow and ice. I realized that I was looking at the ground a majority of the time, but this wasn't out of depression or whatever, it's just that the ground was so intriguing. (This is perhaps the first time in a while that I have been ok with looking at the ground.) It made me feel close to the earth, feel short, feel like I did so long ago as a child back home in one of the parks or the mountains. I felt so at home, even though home is miles and miles away; it was wonderful. Also, I couldn't help but relate this nice little walk to a journey of sorts, a journey where I didn't want to look back for fear of seeing it as less magical than what it was, and because of that, I didn't look behind me, I didn't try to relive a particular moment or feeling, I just let it be what it was and enjoyed the quiet moments I had to myself in the park. I would call our trip to the park a silent retreat of sorts. No one felt a need to talk to anyone, and everyone was ok with going their own way and keeping space from one another.
Later that evening, we all went to downtown Des Moines and walked around for almost 2 hours. It was nice. It made me realize that there's a certain dynamic to our group, at least from my point of view. We're all ok with doing whatever the other person wants to do. I don't recall having that with past travelling experiences. It's quite nice.
Yesterday we went to a Hindu temple. It was amazing and the temple was absolutely beautiful. It's also cool because the three of us are all in the same World Religions course, which had gone over Hinduism at the beginning of the semester. It's sort of funny, because they have all of these shrines to various gods, but they believe that all the gods are the same god, just reincarnated in multiple different ways. So here's the ultimate question: are Hindus monotheistic or polytheistic? I'm still trying to figure that one out, and I suppose it's all up to personal interpretation of what they believe (which we could never understand anyway without becoming Hindu and living in a Hindu community).
Funny fact #1: While at the temple, we talked to one of the priests, and we're pretty sure that we accidently told him we are Buddhist.
Funny fact #2: Later that evening, we watched Michael Clayton with two of Joel's friends and the phrase "I am Shiva the Destroyer" came up a couple times throughout the movie. Plus Alvin was wearing a Shiva shirt. (For those of you who don't know, Shiva is one of the gods in Hinduism). So yeah... yesterday was all about Hinduism.
Finally, today I went to church with Joel's family. I'm not quite sure on what to think or feel about it yet. It did drive a point home to me (surprisingly enough) about Christ's love, but that should probably be elaborated on at a later time...
Written by: Melissa at 12:58 PM 1 insights
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Quest for the Ultimate Jelly Belly Combo
A few days ago, I received a 4 lb. container of Jelly Belly jellybeans. I was in awe to say the least, and life has changed ever since. Just yesterday did I decide that I should do something semi-productive with these Jelly Bellies, and it came to me... I should find the ultimate Jelly Belly combo! I know, it floored me as well. Of course, one needs to take into consideration the fact that people have different tastes in what they like and what they don't like, so I suppose that this is simply a personal quest.
Here's what I got so far:
- lemon rootbeer
- peach coconut orange sherbert
- pink grapefruit island punch
- plum pear
- cinnamon watermelon
- tutti frutti rootbeer
- green apple vanilla bean
- berry blue blueberry wild blackberry
- lemon watermelon strawberry daquiri
- strawberry chocolate
- black licorice vanilla bean
So far I think that the pink grapefruit island punch and the cinnamon watermelon are my favorites, but I still have a ways to go.
If there are any suggestions for amazing combos I should try, please write them on a slip of paper and put them in the suggestion box. Perhaps I will give Jelly Bellies to the suggestion that I approve of upon taste test... hm...
Peace out!
Written by: Melissa at 11:17 AM 3 insights
Monday, March 10, 2008
Life is so good...
This time of year is absolutely divine. One can easily tell that spring is in the air. The bite of the wind is losing its sting. The grass is making a valiant effort to fight through the snow. The sun shines brighter than what has become normal. The pavement replaced the sheet of ice for a walking surface. The melted snow puddles glisten in the sun's light. And the birds are consistently outside to sing a merry little tune to anyone who chooses to listen.
Back home, this feeling and atmosphere would have been here for over a month, but better late than never, right?... But perhaps spring is more appreciated after this sort of winter, at least it is for me...
Even so, when it snowed only three days ago, it didn't bring despair. The snow was quite beautiful, because it merely floated down in the way snow ought to. It was like a snow globe, and absolutely breath taking to watch in light of the lampposts. Also, it was easier to remember that winter cannot last forever, since there have already been evidences of it in weeks prior.
It's this feeling that makes me want to dance, sing and smile all day long. I love it. I can't help but be bubbly and hope others share this same feeling.
Plus, life in general is taking a turn for the better. My brother visited this weekend, and it was just nice to see him and hang out with him for a little bit. I am more confident about things in my mind. And a general feeling of pure contentment and happiness has replaced the cloud of doubt and anxiety. Now all that's left is to be patient for other things.
Written by: Melissa at 3:06 PM 2 insights
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Cruelty of Mankind [myself included]
This is something I wrote down last night while in the library:
'ever had to restrain the urge to roll your eyes? multiple times?! it happens a lot while eavesdropping on conversations.... especially the matter of Praise and Worship...
-You going to Praise and Worship?
-No!? I'll pray for you...
-repress rolling eyes now-'
Thinking back on the entire scenario, that was very condescending. To think that I am any better than the person who said this, gosh, what an ego. Humility is something that is in short supply, especially in my life.
Who am I to even think that I am better than the person next to me?
Who am I to think that the people I associate myself with are supreme to all the other people I could spend time with?
To step outside of myself and see that, I felt very ugly. Ugly as a person, as a human-being, as a child of God. How can I even call myself that?... especially after the things that I think about fellow image-bearers?
I'm not down on myself or anything, just a little disappointed... The higher you are, the farther you fall...
Written by: Melissa at 6:54 PM 0 insights
Friday, February 29, 2008
[Statement]. [Question]?
Here's a song that's making a residence inside my head: "Let's Go Fly a Kite" Heard of it? Don't know how it got there, but on a day like this, it's very appropriate.
Here's a feeling that I won't be able to get over: pulling apart, limb-by-limb, a CRAWFISH Have you done this? It's quite a sickening feeling really, but after the first few things you tear off, you sort of just get over it and finish what you need to do. This crawfish was dead, so don't you worry your little head that I'm becoming sick and sadistic by tearing apart live animals. That's just awful. Any corruption that I possess, you have probably already seen, so no worries.
Here's an interesting thought: I love learning about human anatomy. Do you? It's simply amazing everything that is in the body. I would be perfectly fine with just studying how the body works for the rest of my days. The intricacies, the mind-boggling intricacies. Today, I was reading up on the respiratory system for Medical Terminology and randomly said out loud, "I really want to 'rip apart' a human body." Danielle was sitting next to me and was a bit startled by my sudden outburst. What was actually meant by it was that I would like to dissect a cadaver and see exactly how the human body is put together. Everyone grows up with some sort of notion of how it all works, but to actually see it with your own eyes... man, that would be amazing.
Here's another thought: I am a bit morbid (sometimes) without meaning to be. Have you noticed this and not told me? Just last night, while explaining what I want to do with my life to a person I had just met, I said, "Yeah, I'm looking forward to the centrifuge... and the blood." NOT INTENTIONAL mind you. Now I am sure that this person thinks I have an unhealthy fascination with blood... What was actually meant was that I am looking forward to working with specimens in a lab setting where one can analyze what may or may not be wrong with it. Again, I am not that sick.
Here's something to look forward to: tonight we're going to a Jewish Synagogue/Temple and next Friday we're going to an Islamic Mosque. You jealous? It should be pretty awesome I think. Hopefully everything goes well and it will be an amazing learning experience.
Written by: Melissa at 12:37 PM 9 insights
Monday, February 25, 2008
Got Answers?
There it is again... the question that has been prodding my mind for all of these months. Apparently avoiding the topic did nothing but keep me from facing the reality of things. The same feelings that were thought to have been shaken off have once again returned. It all happened so quickly too.
Conversation done and feelings returned, with even more questions than before. It's not intentional. And it's not like these feelings can be pinned down to one specific reason, believe me, I've tried. Talking through it doesn't help. It's come to the point where it seems over discussed.
Maybe these feelings are the sign that has been long searched for.
Maybe not.
There it is again.
Now things concerning the future are also constantly running through my mind. It's funny how conversations just replay through my mind like a broken record player. To be honest, I'm quite scared about what may have to be done in several aspects of my life. It's shaking me. Shaking the foundation I thought I had. Shaking the plans that have been meticulously worked out.
Things are now riding on what happens these next few months. Pretty much the next few months will determine the future. So many 'what if's...
Written by: Melissa at 4:11 PM 1 insights
Sunday, February 24, 2008
things that are beautiful:
~winters that are almost at their end~
~poetry flowing through your head during the morning~
~late nights with people you care about~
~the smell of melting snow~
~days where all a sweat shirt will suffice~
~songbirds on a winter morning~
~mist during a sunrise~
~playing cards with girlfriends~
~laughing about nonsense~
~feeling peace~
~futons for napping~
~listening to loud music and dancing~
~dancing by yourself~
~dancing with girlfriends~
~listening to the winter silence~
~acting like a fool and people not caring too much~
~genuine smiles~
~people who listen and care~
~being able to find beauty in life~
Written by: Melissa at 12:45 PM 0 insights
Monday, February 18, 2008
Mental Block
It sucks to see people in pain, and now I have done my fair share of pain-causing. Good job Mel. I'm determined not to talk about it anymore. Talking about it today and last night only made me realize that I have a major difficulty when it comes to expressing how I feel and what I think. And then when I told my mom about this discovery, she said she already knew. It must be really frustrating for people to be friends with me while I stumble over my thoughts and words, simply trying to get a sentence to make sense. In the end, it usually fails.
There are so many times where I just want to shout out exactly how I feel and what I think, and just go on and on and on until it's all out there. There are so many times I wish I knew what was going on inside my own head.
Communication is one of the most important things to me, especially interpersonal communication. This just makes it more frustrating, because I feel I can't even express what I want to in a clear enough manner. Even now, when I want to explain how I feel and what I think to a person I really care about, I can't do it properly. In the end, it only caused pain. All I really wanted to do was make myself clear, and now I fear that I have done just the opposite.
Written by: Melissa at 11:59 PM 3 insights
Sunday, February 17, 2008
too much of a blank to fill in
No words can really explain how I feel about things right now. I'd hate to say that this weekend was a bit difficult for me at times, because there were many good things in it that I'm focusing on, but still....
Written by: Melissa at 1:03 PM 0 insights
Saturday, February 9, 2008
to answer or to not answer, that is the question
Have you ever been asked a question numerous times, where the answer, no matter how creative you get, makes people feel awkward, think they offended you or brought up bad memories, wish they didn't bring it up? One of those questions, that no matter how you answer it or side-step it, you know they are going to feel bad about it and not know how to react? And then, when you answer the question truthfully, people say "oh, i'm SO sorry" as if you were going to start crying at the mere mention of it. And then you try to make them feel better by saying, "it's ok, really" and they strongly disagree.
Funny thing is, I always feel like I led them into a trap when they do ask me this question. It's not intentional, it's just how I keep things alive in my memory. But some people catch on to the "was", and then they ask about the "now". I still don't know how to respond properly. I hate seeing the expression people give me when they for the first time know, but only because I felt like I tricked them into asking that question, which I don't.
Perhaps I should take a poll asking what would be the best way to answer the question, because honestly, I'm still at a loss...
In other news, last night people told me that I should stop thinking about Spring and what it was like, because it's going to be a long time before it gets here. Sure, it makes sense, but that happy thought and feeling is something that I'm looking forward to, and I don't want to forget what it was, otherwise I'm just going to lose site of what's to come.
Should that possibly be our attitude all the time, especially in times of darkness? To choose to hold on to memories of the good things in a hopeful way, as opposed to bitterness for the way things are now. Sure, we don't know when it's going to get better, but that's where hope and faith that it will get better keeps us going.
If we don't have positive hope for the future, then what are we living for?
So... I will conclude with some words of wisdom from Journey:
Written by: Melissa at 3:34 PM 6 insights
Thursday, February 7, 2008
A Simple Dream
There are many times that I wish for a more simple lifestyle or society. One where I could have a garden, live in a tree, bathe in a river, and spend most of my day simply marvelling at God's creation. For academic stimulation, I would like to study different countries, including culture, religion, language, philosophy, etc. That would be lovely to me.
Written by: Melissa at 1:37 AM 0 insights
Thursday, January 31, 2008
...even though it is still Winter, the warmth of Spring lies deep within my heart...
As I was walking from the Campus Center tonight, two simple words came out of my mouth... "thank you". This was directed toward God. See, things have been quite interesting since my return to the tundra, and I was not quite sure if things were ever going to change for the better. Last week they finally did. Life was able to move forward again, instead of remaining in a stand-still mode. It was such an overwhelming experience that joy just overflowed from the deeps of my being. Every part of me wanted to jump and dance and sing and shout and express all that I felt. Things with two people that mean/t a lot to me are finally sorting themselves out. Sure, an incident a couple days later put me into panic mode again, but after talking to numerous people about the happenings in my life, I am once again at peace and in a state of true contentment with a pinch of restlessness.
Just the other day, perhaps it was yesterday, while sitting in Zoology class and thinking about things that I have been thinking about a lot as of late, a moment of sheer excitement and anticipation for spring came from within. It was amazing. Remembering what spring is like just put me into a better mood, momentarily shaking off the shadow of winter. There was still a sense of uneasiness though, which had been making a living in the pit of my stomach for several days prior. I was actually a bit nervous, because I was planning on meeting with a friend of mine, whose opinion I trully respect. But I was scared to meet with this person, because I knew they would tell me what I needed to hear, and I didn't know what to expect. Well,... the meeting occurred and went better than I could've asked for. It was wonderful. Once it was all done, peace flowed it's way throughout my soul, touching the places that have been starved from any sense of harmony.
Truth is, I am quite blessed with the people that I have in my life here at Dordt. They are so supportive, so caring, and so willing to help me through my numerous problems. Who am I to deserve the love of so many wonderful people?
Actually, as I was mozying my way back to my room, contemplating reasons for my major lack of motivation to work ahead, or even motivation for the things that I need to work on for tomorrow, and pondering if I am even made out for this field of study, it occurred to me... I am not. There is no way in hell that I can make this on my own. For some people, this all just comes naturally, but me, I have to work and struggle and that is going to lead to some very emotional and frustrating times. but.... it can be done, not on my own, but through daily prayer for the motivation and strength to do what needs to be done. God has to be my strength through this, because honestly, I'm not cut out for it. I love learning this stuff, I love doing the labs, I love seeing how marvelously intricate this world is. This is what I want to do, but I can't do it alone.
The past is behind me, but even so, it is a constant reminder that scares me everyday. It scares the core of me. It scares me to the point of wanting to give up already. But this is exactly why I need God's help.
Written by: Melissa at 8:53 PM 2 insights
Friday, January 25, 2008
Because I can....
*squeal of irrepressible joy*
So... the smell of cigarette smoke is quite amazing. Reminds me of a lot of amazing times that I have had, places I have been, and people I have known.
*suppression of the urge to jump up and down, while smiling quite cheezily*
I traveled about 100 ft. in over a foot deep of snow, and it was quite amazing, quite. I just wanted to jump up and down, and roll around in it.
Haven't felt this way in over a month and a half (ever since a certain incident that will remain unnamed.)
Welp, that's it for now! quite....
*cheezy smile*
Written by: Melissa at 3:40 PM 0 insights
Thursday, January 24, 2008
And... We're Off!
Tonight I had another conversation with a friend who meant/means a lot to me. I didn't quite know what to expect as I agreed to chat, and needless to say, I was trembling quite terribly... It was something that was unexpected.
This entire scenario only lasted about 5-8 min. and it was done. After this person left, I cried by myself for an entire 5 min., silently. It was done. Finally. The tears were a mixture of pain being re-experienced for the last time and relief that it was finished. Life can move on now, as it should. The last bit of anger and resentment has finally eased away.
Hopefully now, this person will realize what needs to be done, and do it. I keep on praying that it'll all be alright. That God will lead. That God would comfort. And finally, I see an answer to these prayers. I am quite thankful, and now I can move on, which is what I have been wanting for so long.
This is being written with a smile of contentment, knowing that things will be alright. Now on to the next step...
Written by: Melissa at 11:20 PM 1 insights
Sunday, January 20, 2008
...and so it goes...
In every heart there is a room
A sanctuary safe and strong
To heal the wounds from lovers past
Until a new one comes along
I spoke to you in cautious tones
You answered me with no pretense
And still I feel I said too much
My silence is my self defense
And every time I've held a rose
It seems I only felt the thorns
And so it goes, and so it goes
And so will you soon I suppose
But if my silence made you leave
Then that would be my worst mistake
So I will share this room with you
And you can have this heart to break
And this is why my eyes are closed
Its just as well for all I've seen
And so it goes, and so it goes
And you're the only one who knows
So I would choose to be with you
That's if the choice were mine to make
But you can make decisions too
And you can have this heart to break
And so it goes, and so it goes
And you're the only one who knows
Wish I could write words like these... it shows exactly how I feel about things as of late.... beautiful song and lyrics...
Written by: Melissa at 9:59 PM 0 insights
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Winter of my Discontent
People said that this semester is going to be different. I didn't believe them until today. Not different in the obvious, we-have-different-schedules sort of way, but friendship dynamic.
Apparently a lot of stuff happened over Christmas break that I was unaware of. Nobody likes to tell me things, or really talk to me about things, or like to talk to me and confuse the heck out of me. It's really quite frustrating. I just want to say....'What the hell?!'....well, there it is.
Certain things are upsetting me, and perhaps they shouldn't. Perhaps they're the way I want things to be. So why this discontentment?...
...don't know...
Written by: Melissa at 11:54 PM 1 insights
Monday, January 7, 2008
Filibuster [of sorts]
Right now, at this very moment [and for the past few hours], I want to see someone. Someone in particular. I can't really say that I miss people right now, because I don't really want to go back to school yet, but I do want to see this person.
Don't really know why...
I keep on going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth... for the past few months... [it's a wonder that I'm not seasick.]
My mind keeps on changing, and hearing things helps to change my mind.
Honestly, I don't know what I want or what I need. A few vague ideas come to mind and are rather important to me, but other than that...
One moment I think I know what I need to do, then the next, the decision has changed.
This would be why I haven't really done or said anything these past couple months, in hopes that the answer would come in one way, shape or form, and that there would be no question whatsoever that that was the right way to go.
I really just want to talk it out with this person, but I don't know if that would be appropriate since I feel we are just surface level friends at this point.
Constantly, it's being given over to God, and I trust in him, but there seems to be no answer to the prayers. One day I think there is, the next it seems so far from it.
Sometimes I find myself wanting to say certain things, but catch myself just in time.
This seems to just be dragging out... I keep on hoping time will reveal an answer, but it's been such a long time it feels, and nothing seems to be any clearer than when it began.
I feel silly.
Written by: Melissa at 11:44 PM 0 insights
As I was watching 'Dead Poets Society', the line "I'm not a cynic, just a realist" was delivered, and I thought it was funny/ironic, considering the line below the title of this blog. (Keep in mind, I had never seen this movie before 2 nights ago...)
Written by: Melissa at 1:04 AM 0 insights
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Musings and Observations
Yesterday was all about feet for me... this morning, my mother treated me to a wonderful pedicure at this salon that runs along one of the rivers in Eagle (just outside of Boise). From there, we went shopping, mainly to peruse and see what could be found, and I found 8 pairs of shoes. The story behind this one is that, my mom and I went to the Kohl's just outside Eagle, Meridian and Boise and she got me three pairs of shoes that I've been "needing" (as in, my everyday shoes were being worn out and needed replacing and my dress flats don't exactly fit, so yeah...). Then we went home and did some stuff and then went to Costco and thereafter, to the Kohl's in Nampa. The intention was just to look for my mom and see what we could find, but I ended up finding 5 pairs of shoes for no more than $6 as the most expensive pair. Amazing... I bought these, since my mom bought what I needed and these were beyond that... All that aside, I won't be needing shoes for a while... :)
Since I have been listening to the radio again, it has come to my attention (once again) that the radio stations play the same songs over and over. It's rather irritating. But then I thought, 'I love listening to Death Cab for Cutie, and it never gets old, no matter how many times I play the album.' This led to me realizing that I am beginning to grow weary of music that is unoriginal in melody, lyrical value and the like. Who should I give credit for doing that to me? Many of people I suppose. Now the next step is finding other music to listen to...
People confuse the heck out of me. They are so complex, which can be a blessing and a curse, for many of different reasons. This makes things very difficult to figure out...
'Dead Poets Society' is a phenominal movie. It hit on a lot of the things I had been thinking about for the past couple of weeks/months. Loved every moment of it...
There are many days where I wish we would all speak more eloquently and lyrically, with the use of good vocabulary. The romantic idealist inside would love to escape into one of the world's that Jane Austen or Alexandre Dumas had created through their writings. Perhaps this is why I enjoy watching and reading 'Pride and Prejudice', 'Sense and Sensiblity', 'Count of Monte Cristo', and others among them.
*deep sigh*
Too bad it can only be a dream inside of me...
That is all for one evening...
Written by: Melissa at 1:03 AM 0 insights
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Incoherent Individual Railroad Cars of Thought
Don't know what to think about things, especially about the way I think or feel about things. Make sense? Probably not...
Concern for how members of my family are doing are beginning to seep in...
Wondering about people is constantly on my mind...
Apprehensions pertaining to the future and how things will work out keep me awake at night...
Spending way to much time on the computer is not a good thing...
Perhaps I try too hard and care too much...
Today just got off on the wrong foot I think...
Written by: Melissa at 3:39 PM 0 insights
Something to Think About While Starting the New Year: the Importance of the Moment
Life is such a precious thing, but unfortunately, it is so often taken for granted. Easy to do though, and everyone has done it. I have done it.
This thought shouldn't make us stop living though. We are not to become misers of the moments that we have, because they are so fleeting. We should, instead, seize the moments that we have and bask in them, taking it all in with our eyes, ears, hearts, minds and souls wide open.
I first had my real taste of experiencing what life should be like in the last few months before my father's death. He became a model for me and my family. As hard as it was to see his life slowly dwindle down, it was absolutely beautiful to see how he lived. When the diagnosis was made, I believe he made the decision to live it up. Not in the way where one does all of the crazy things they always dreamed of doing, but in a 'seize the moment' sort of way.
One of my personal favorite memories is just playing football with him in the park with my brothers. He made an utter fool out of himself, dancing around and smiling after he had picked himself up from tripping. It didn't matter who saw him. There was such a twinkle in his eye and an overall goofiness in his demeanor. The sun and the trees only added to the beauty of the moment, which is now only a recording that replays itself in my mind. That memory always brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes, even now. It is a perfect representation of taking in the moment.
Tomorrow was never certain for him, but what makes us think that it is certain for us? The fact is, it isn't. Sure, we expect to wake up in the morning, usually with groaning because of the hour, but it is still not for certain. We don't know. So what's keeping us from living like he did?
James did a good job of emphasizing exactly this by saying, 'Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.'
What a mist we could be if more people basked in every moment, soaking it in and appreciating it for what it was...
But as idealistic as that may sound, a reality check comes along and brings me back from the elation that the thought brings.
Still, if I could, I would encourage every person to think about this more frequently. Life is fatal, and what will be left when you are gone is the imprint of what you chose to do in the moment.
Written by: Melissa at 12:34 AM 0 insights