"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars." -Henry Van Dyke

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

*Swear Word*

I am the worst person that I know, and it is beginning to catch up with me. Don't know what to do... *swear word*

That is all......

2 insights:

Jenny said...

for the record, i don't believe in 'bad people'. so you're certainly not the worst.
i love you.
even if your short-comings are catching up to you.

the Father created perfect people. satan introduced is to unholiness and imperfection, so as a race of humans, we're all imperfect, and that's why we love a God that is able to wash our sins away, and make us new.
so if you don't like who you are, or who you have been... leave the imperfections behind. step into the wash-basin and be cleansed by his almighty blood.
and take the hits as they come, from whatever wrongs you may have done.
but you, are not the worst person that i know. because i don't believe in bad people.
be made new is his love. because he loves us, the imperfect, perfectly.
and take responsibility for the things that are catching up to you.
but make a difference in how you're living, if its bothering you.

mmm, i love being long winded.
but i love you, more.

KTP said...

You are not either the worst person you know. In fact, I can think of plenty of people that you know that you are a saint compared to.

No one's perfect... we all make mistakes, we are all forced into decisions for which we see no correct solution.

I can't wait to see you in not very long at all!