"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars." -Henry Van Dyke

Sunday, December 23, 2007

A Walk with the Dog and a Talk with a Friend

Walking my dog today, in the cold, windy outdoors, led to a need to chat with God. I haven't done that in a while, and I don't know why. Seems like my mind has been on other things and feels like there's no time to share with him. But talking with him helps to just get things out there. To make me hit a wall of sorts and come to reality once again. Again, I see myself going down a road that I have been trying to avoid. Looks like I enjoy taking detours that can make life more difficult in the future. There must be some way for me to keep myself from going those directions, even though in the end they teach me a lesson. (It's a hard and painful end to get to though...)

A brief chat with a friend today led me to think about some things. Is it bad to not have a plan for your life? Is it bad to be content with where you are? Is it bad to stick around and linger just because your friends remain to finish things they have started? Part of me says no, because that's how I would be. But the other part of me thinks that it seems to be a cop-out.

What will happen when the friends leave and move on with their life and you are left to linger, wondering what will happen next?

These are the things that make me the most apprehensive, not what other people tell me...

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