"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars." -Henry Van Dyke

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

...for all the things that have been needing to get done...

Hands down, one of the best smells in the world is the smell of fresh laundry drying with the window open on a Spring day. Oh yeah... Finally, after putting it off and putting it off, I did my rather large pile of laundry. I HAVE CLEAN CLOTHES AGAIN!!! Though, there is still 2 loads in the dryer down stairs and all the rest is currently drying, but by tomorrow, I should have options again. [I like my options, especially when it comes to clothing]

So far today, no homework has been attempted... now before you get on my case about it, I have been up since 9 am, which is an accomplishment since I don't have any classes today. Not that any of you would be interested in this, but the following is a list of how my day has gone so far:

-shower and get ready [Covenant]
-medical terminology test (which I passed) [Science Building]
-breakfast [the Grille]
-health services [Covenant]
-leave to drop off time card while they got my paperwork together [Southview]
-health services made sure I was healthy enough to travel [Covenant]
-turn in organic chemistry assignment [Science Building]
-lunch [Commons]
-visit with Piper for 30 min. [East Hall]
-write a check and borrow Renae's bike [Covenant]
-cash check [Business Office]
-fill bike tires [Maintenance]
-do laundry and clean pile of dishes [Covenant]

...and now I am doing this. YAY!!! So it has been quite a productive day despite the lack of homework-getting-done... but the day is still young, so more is to be accomplished... Granted, I could have consolidated some of my walking by planning ahead, but I really don't mind the walk/ride.

Now, I am going to check on my laundry downstairs and hopefully after putting it away get started on some homework... :) Good thing nothing is due tomorrow. :D

1 insights:

Paul K said...

Good job on the Med Terms test!!