"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars." -Henry Van Dyke

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Well, after I finished writing the previous blog, I decided to play some piano to see what would happen. Personally, I wan't all that thrilled to practice in the first place, but I prayed on my way downstairs that God would help me. Just a simple one sentence prayer to change my attitude.

The result was amazing. It's like the keys broke lose my chains of lethargia. I feel awake, despite the sleepiness that surrounds me. I can once again focus; the foginess is gone. There is once again warmth in my fingers. The compression of the world around me has lifted.

Strange how well that worked actually....

I discovered this last semester that the lack of piano/choir/music-making was part of my problem last year, but I didn't realize how dynamic of a difference it would make.

It seems to me that for a lot of people (especially around here), playing music makes them feel better. It enables you to think outside of yourself. To be constructive. To show emotion. To become alive.

Hm... I feel a little silly now... but I'm glad. Thank you for your prayers.

1 insights:

Jenny said...

i think about this time last year too... and it sort of feels like its starting over for me too.
but i have a much better handle on it now, of course.

i've been missing my music-making days, lately. i wonder if it would have any sort of a similar affect on me.
oh if i only had a marimba/drum set/triangle!
i ready these posts after you had posted both of them, but i prayed anyway.
and i pray for you often, regardless of the posts :)