"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars." -Henry Van Dyke

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Simple Pleasures

I have resolved the following:

  1. to let things take their course
  2. to trust in God that he knows what He's doing
  3. to appreciate things about Iowa that are easily overlooked
  4. to love all the people I encounter with the same love of Christ
  5. to try my best in everything
  6. to let go of my failures and short-comings
  7. to forget to think about what people think
  8. to enjoy every moment
  9. to live a life worthy of Christ
  10. to breathe deep the air that surrounds me and all the sweet fragrances it holds
  11. to hold my breath when the smells are not so sweet
  12. to treasure the moments that I have with people that I love
  13. to laugh hard
  14. to look up
  15. to see beyond the surface of things
  16. to understand
  17. to learn as much as I can
  18. to dance like nobody is watching
  19. to move to the rythm of God's drum
  20. to not back down
  21. to finish this list

But, as much as I may resolve to do any of these things, whether it be one or the entire list, I know that I will fail in one way or another. It's human nature, and I'm bond to it just like everyone else on this earth.

Evenso.... this list is a list that I have subconsciously made for myself throughout these past few months. This list is a representation of what I am working on in my life. This list is a representation of what God is doing in my life.

Of what God has helped me to realize.

Of what God has been reminding me to do.

Of what God wants me to do.

I hope to look back on this post in times to come, and be reminded of the things that I may have forgotten. Be reminded of the work the Almighty has done. And to be comforted in the fact that He can change people, even me.

1 insights:

KTP said...

Good list... I like it a lot.