"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars." -Henry Van Dyke

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Tea in a Mailbox

Well, once the O.Chem test was finished on Friday, things got so much better really fast. I was just able to breathe and to enjoy life once again. Hearing other people play music at a studio class was such a blessing. Talking to people who I don't usually talk to was just wonderful, especially since some of them helped me through my really tough night. Chillaxing after dinner was just wonderful. Reading a book for fun in the Bean just made me feel at peace with the world. Talking to Phil in the Bean just was a cherry on top of a wonderfully relaxing day.

But at the same time, there was a nagging feeling in the back of my mind. There was something else I needed to do, but couldn't for the life of me figure out how I wanted it to happen. Well, I had an ideal way I wanted it to go, but I wasn't going to hold my breathe on it all happening that way. Plus it didn't help that I wasn't all the excited to do this in the first place. In fact, I wanted to do the exact opposite of what I needed to do. I wanted to say the exact opposite of what I needed to say.


But through many hard conversations with different people, they all seem to agree that right now I'm not ready for the opposite. Admittedly, it put me in a foul mood a couple times. Plus I was very confused at the same time, which didn't help. What I needed to do and what I wanted to do were at war with one another, and it made things confusing. I knew it would be for the best, and that maybe one day the opposite would happen, but it's just so hard to wait.


Well, long story short, I managed to do what I needed to do. Through much prayer and an extra measure of faith, it was accomplished. Now I'm struggling on figuring out what to do about it. Do I do anything? Perhaps I should just let it be for now...


That would be best for now I think. Except I will continue to pray about it, and perhaps one day it will be time.

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